Saturday, February 25, 2012

I love sunshine!

 It seems like my efforts to be a better blogger always fall a little short as life gets busier and busier.  Someday I'll have a chance to blog often . . . . maybe.

So here's what we've been up to the last few days (because there have been so many days since I last blogged I don't remember them all)

Thursday it was unseasonably warm.  We're talking 76 degrees on February 23rd.  I thought I was dreaming and we were really in Florida instead of Arkansas.  Just for you skeptics, here's the proof!

February 23, 2012
The last week has been really nice.  We missed two days of school on February 13&14 because of snow, but the days before and the days following the snow have been sunny and warm.  We came around our corner (on the dirt road) and noticed the jonquils were in bloom, so Logan and I decided to take a little walk after school.  Charly (Austin's little Australian Shepherd) went with us, too.  She's such a pretty, sweet little girl...if she would just quit digging up the yard trying to catch a mole.  Maybe I should wish her luck and after she catches the mole our troubles will be over.  I love that dog!  I'll have some pictures of her later.

This sweet boy decided I needed a big boquet of sunshine.  We're really enjoying them! 

I love this sweet boy!

Finally, I've been working on the creative mojo, and I think it's coming back!  I haven't drawn in so long I didn't even know if I could do it anymore, but I did these 2 drawings fairly quickly.  They're just done of 9 x 12 sketchbook paper....scratch that, the horse was done on a drawing paper scrap from school, it's about a 10 x 12.  Both are done with pencil (regular old #2 drawing pencil). 

I've rediscovered my love of pencil.

I think I'll be drawing more since I remembered how to do it.

Drawn from a snapshot I took of Logan.  I think he was 2.  My baby is growing up too fast.
I promise if you see the drawing in person he really doesn't look cross-eyed!

Drawn from a snapshot I took of Casey and her old horse, Dusty. 
She was only about 14 at the time.  I need to work on the face a little, it
just doesn't look exactly right to me, but I'll get it right....eventually.

That's it for now.  I need to get some pictures uploaded from my camera before I do another blog post so it may be a while.  Until then.  May you be blessed, and have a wonderful spring.  I'm calling it spring.  I don't want more cold.