Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I will enter His courts with praise….

Recently I have been questioning (prayerfully) where the Lord is leading me.  Sunday night, the answer became more clear.  Music.  I have always loved music, even though I only play one instrument and that one not very well.  I do not have the gift of writing beautiful lyrics that touch hearts.  I don't even have that great a voice, but when the girls & I (4 HIS Praise) sing together, I truly feel as if I'm where I'm supposed to be.  I feel like I am walking in His will, and it brings me great joy.

Sunday night we had the opportunity to sing at First Baptist in Flippin.  When I invited us (yes, you read that right) to sing for them we had 2 or 3 songs planned, but had a few more ready just in case.  It was a good decision because we were given the entire service.  We sang for almost an hour, and it was a wonderful blessing to me.  

Kelly, Kathy, Sharmin, & Pam: 4 HIS Praise
photo courtesy of Judy Martin…thanks, Judy, we don't have many photos!
I've heard so many people talk about groups that have problems because egos get in the way, even in Christian and gospel groups.  Sadly, the problem is usually because someone forgot the true reason for the music.  That is the joy of singing with these ladies (Kelly, Kathy, & Pam), we do it for one reason, not to bring glory to ourselves (though encouragement does keep us going at times), our hope is that the Lord be glorified in all that we do.  I am human, I will make mistakes, but I am doing my best to lose the bad habits that might diminish my testimony.   We are ready to step out on faith.  We want to share His message through music.  We are ready to do more.  Lead us Lord, we will follow…. I'm so excited to see what 2014 brings! 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Lead me Lord...

      "Lead me Lord; I will follow.  Lead me Lord; I will go.  
You have called me; I will answer.  Lead me Lord; I will go."

photo by free wallpapers

Our church was blessed with the opportunity to have Wayne and Elizabeth Goodine come conduct a choir clinic (alliteration?) a couple of weeks ago.  They shared many songs they had written, but this one in particular really struck a chord within me.  "Lead me Lord; I will follow..Lead me Lord, I will go…You have called me, I will answer…Lead me Lord, I will go."  

You have called me….I have heard so many people talk about how instinctively they know what God had in mind for them.  I'm listening, but I don't have a clear image of what God wants me to do with my life.  I do not feel the persistent tugging of foreign missions, especially when I feel we have so many who desperately need salvation right here in the US.

I know the things that bring me great joy…could one of these things be my calling?  I love music and I love to sing, but I don't have the gift of writing music, and I really don't think I have the voice to make people really want to listen, even though I enjoy singing with our quartet 4His Praise.  I suppose I have a gift of speaking, at least I don't have a great fear of speaking in public, but many times the words just sound dull and stupid in my own ears.  Then there's Art.  I can draw, I can paint, I'm pretty good with Graphic Design, but how can I use that for His glory?  

Maybe I'm just having the same problem as Moses and Jonah as they desperately tried to change God's mind about their calling in life (though, Lord, I'd much prefer you get my attention with a burning bush rather than the innards of a great fish should it come to that point.)

Whatever it may be, I'm listening, and I am ready to follow where He leads….wherever that may be.