Sunday, June 11, 2006

It's been a while

I've really slipped on keeping my blog updated, but things have been CRAZY! School is finally out (Yayyyy!) and summer has been busier than the last couple weeks of school!

Casey left Wednesday for Washington DC with the Youth Tour group. (photo, she's 2nd from left, front row) Can you imagine chaperoning 40 17 year olds! I'm glad it's not me! She went to Arlington Cemetery this morning and was awed by the sheer numbers of soldiers' graves. She told me the tour guide pointed out the newest section of the cemetery; it is for the brave soldiers who lost their lives in Iraq. I think that really brought things home to her. She was no longer seeing "ancient" history, but something she can closely relate to as we have friends currently serving in Iraq. She said the entire bus of 40 kids fell silent when that section was pointed out.

They have a full week scheduled, and will fly home Thursday. This will be her first airline trip and she's a little nervous. I imagine she will be too tired to worry too long.

1 comment:

YT Guru said...

My name is Steve and I help organize and run the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.

I came across your blog and liked your post. I was wondering if you would be willing to talk about the Youth Tour from a parent's perspective.

You can contact me through the Youth Tour website at