Friday, August 21, 2009

One week behind us

Austin wasn't thrilled about the obligatory first-day-of-school picture.

My little Kindergarten man on his very first day of school.

We finished the first week, or half week, of school. Logan loves Kindergarten and was really proud that he didn't have to move a card "all week" and got to pick something from the treasure box. He has lots of new friends, and said his favorite class is the "one where we get to go outside and run around"...PE.

Austin has some pretty tough classes for the 8th grade. He has Algebra I, I don't think I took that until the 10th grade! He is playing basketball again this year, and really likes it. He enjoys school; I hope he keeps that attitude.

I'm having a good year, so far, too. I really like my classes. I have the biggest group of kids I've ever had, 23 in Art I, 22 in Speech, 18 in 8th grade Art, but then I do have a few small classes, too. Drama only has 4, Graphic Design has 8, and Advanced Art is down to 3.

Casey starts her classes next week. I hope she has a good semester, she needs one. Her classes are on Tuesday and Thursday, so she will still work Mon, Wed., and Friday. I think she likes working more than she likes going to school.

Please pray for our students, teachers, administration, and parents as we begin the new school year. I pray for my students everyday, that I will be an example of God's love, even though I can't say it in the classroom. Let's not forget to invite Him to school with us, He is desperately needed.


His Doorkeeper said...

Sharmin, your kids are growing up around you, in spite of what you do to stop them!!! har

We DO need to pray for all our school kids and their teachers, admin., etc. It is even more important now than it ever was!

Hope you have a great school year!!

In His Army said...

Glad the boys are enjoying school so far! The pictures are great, and we all need to remember to pray continually for our kids, teachers, schools, etc. Thanks for the reminder.

CarlaJ said...

so very true! Love your new blog header....hmmm I think I recognize that picture of Casey. :-)