Sunday, December 1, 2013

Praying for the harvest….

He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest field."  Luke 10:2

Never has this passage been more true than in today's society.  our country, the one founded upon a firm foundation rooted in Christ and christened "One nation under God", is swiftly moving away from God and godly teachings and our government is driving the truck!   As Christians, it is our responsibility to make changes; to give God strength and power; to change the course of our nation.  No, I don't mean by coup, or sit-in, or loud demonstration on the steps of the US Capitol building, actually, it's much more simple than that.  Pray. 

As we enter December I plan to focus much of my time on the true meaning of Christmas and not just the commercial gifts and goodies angle.  As the scripture states in Luke 10:2, the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  The lost are plentiful, they need to hear the Word, but the workers are few…. sadly, it is true. 

This pamphlet was handed to me during Sunday school this morning. 

It's a challenge to pause what you are doing at 10:02 am, pm (or both) and say a prayer for the North American missionaries and church planters.  Can you imagine the power of prayer if thousands were praying at precisely the same time?  Prayer changes things.  I've set a reminder at 10:02 pm (because I have a high school speech class in the am) to pray.  Lift the missionaries, pray for God to go before them and prepare the way.

I would also ask that you say a prayer for our quartet, 4His Praise.  We are excited, we are ready, we are willing, but we want to certain that God goes before us and we do His will.  His timing is perfect and we will trust him.  Please pray that all we do be done for His service.

One more little thing, practice random acts of kindness in December, you never know what joy it will bring to someone…and to you.  This afternoon the girls & I (4His Praise) went to the home of one of our deacons who has battled cancer for several years.  This was done very spontaneously, and it lifted his spirits and ours.  He is now bedridden and he will most likely be celebrating Christmas in heaven this year.  He was only strong enough to listen to 3 songs, but he summoned enough strength to tell us it meant so much to him.  We prayed with him before we left, and he told us not to worry about him because he was going to be okay.  His faith remains steadfast, though his body is weak.  Pray for brother Neal and his family.

…and pause at 10:02 to pray for revival in our country.

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