Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 7

This morning was one of “those” mornings which almost caused me to go off the wagon and dive headfirst into a large pile of biscuits and gravy chased by an extra large Diet Dr. Pepper, but I resisted. How I do not know, but to help alleviate the problem both my male offspring have been reconciled to mornings without TV. The term “A Vast Wasteland” is definitely accurate, because they were so involved in Phineas and Ferb they did not hear their mother’s voice saying, “Get dressed and eat breakfast.” No, but maybe they will listen to me in the morning and I won’t feel guilty about bringing children to school hungry. I wonder what the rest of this day has in store?

So far so good, it is now 2:15, and other than one of my 7th grade girls insisting on singing “Eye of the Tiger” and “Hungry Like the Wolf” in a squeaky, off-key voice, it’s been a pretty good day. It should improve after school, not because I won’t have to listen to teenagers, but because I’m getting my hair cut. What is it about a new ‘do that lifts our spirits? I wonder how much weight that will take off….my hair is pretty thick…?

Since it will be a little later when I get home tonight, I’m thinking Subway for supper. We all like it, and it isn’t horrible in fat and calories (unlike KFC, which I really like).

By the end of school my day had greatly improved, but I knew something was up when Logan came in my room and said, “I don’t feel good, I think I need to go home and go to bed.” That always means something’s up, and my gut feeling was right, he had to change a card first thing this morning. I guess his day was pretty lousy, poor kid.

(Doesn't this face look pitiful.  He got in trouble for having to change a card.  Poor kid)

I guess all my rambling is to say one thing, even with all the stress of the day; I managed to stay on track and drown myself in chocolate and ice cream. Maybe I’m beginning to break old habits, like stress eating.  Another small victory for me.

1 comment:

His Doorkeeper said...

You are doing GREAT Sharmin! I eat when I'm stressed and it is a terrible habit! (To look at me you would think I must be in CONSTANT stress!!) Keep up the good work!